Influence of Na2CO3 on combustion performance of civil clean coke

Bingning Wang, Shoujun Liu, Song Yang, Xudong Yan, Liangyu Chen, Jin Li

Article ID: 1513
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021


Civil clean coke is a low-pollutanted civil clean fuel made of coal and multi-functional composite additives by high-temperature carbonization, which is of positive significance to solve the problem of air pollution caused by civil bulk combustion. However, problems such as high ignition temperature and poor combustion performance exist in the use of civil clean coke in the early stage. In this paper, Lvliang fat coal is taken as the research object. Coke samples are prepared by adding different additives and high-temperature carbonization. The influence of Na2CO3 on the combustion performance of civil clean coke is analyzed by TG-DTG, BET, thermodynamics kinetics and other methods. The results show that the civil clean coke prepared by high temperature dry distillation with 1.0% Na2CO3 added, the ignition temperature by impregnation method is 53 K lower than that of coke without additives; after adding Na2CO3, the TG and DTG curves of coke shifted significantly to the left, the average combustion rate increased from 0.38 mg/min to 0.75 mg/min, and the comprehensive combustion index increased from 2.01 × 10-10 mg2 /(min2 ·K3 ) to 11.14 × 10-10 mg2 /(min2 ·K3 ); after adding Na2CO3, the specific surface area of coke is significantly increased and the pore structure is more developed, which promotes the oxygen transfer in the combustion process and significantly reduces the apparent activation energy of the combustion system. The apparent activation energy in the low temperature zone is reduced from 454.28 kJ/mol to 306.85 kJ/mol, and the apparent activation energy in the high temperature zone is reduced from 557.36 kJ/mol to 95.36 kJ/mol. The combustion performance of civil clean coke is improved.


Na2CO3; Civil Clean Coke; Ignition Temperature; TG-DTG; Combustion Characteristics; Apparent Activation Energy; Pollution Control

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