Thermodynamic stability diagram of the copper/water/amylxanthate flotation system

Beatriz Ramírez-Serrano, Alexis Otero-Calvis, Alfredo Coello-Velázquez

Article ID: 1509
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021


The purpose of this work was to obtain the thermodynamic stability diagram that characterizes the copper/water/amylxanthate flotation system, as part of the theoretical foundation necessary for the analysis of the copperion flotation process with the flotation collector reagent potassium amylxanthate. From the system of fundamental chemical reactions and with the help of the Medusa software, the Eh-pH diagram was obtained, in which the stability zones of the different chemical species are defined and it is established that in the pH range from 4 to 13, the xanthogenic species of copper(I) and (II) coexist, whose ratio decreases with the increase of pH.


Eh-pH Diagram; Xanthate; Copper Amyloxanthate; Copper; Ionic Flotation

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