Combined operation mode of sub-critical W-flame boiler and coal mill optimized numerical simulation

Lun Ma, Qingyan Fang, Dengfeng Tian, Cheng Zhang, Gang Chen

Article ID: 1506
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021


The flow, combustion, heat transfer and NOx emission characteristics of a 600 MW subcritical W-flame boiler were numerically simulated under different combined operation modes of coal mills, and compared with the measured results. The results show that the combustion, average residence time, burnout rate, NOx emission characteristics and temperature distribution near the side wall of pulverized coal particles in the furnace have different effects on the combined operation mode of pulverized coal. In the combustion efficiency of give attention to two or more things, screen superheater section of fly ash carbon content and flue gas temperature of entrance at the same time, compared with six coal mill run at the same time, 5 coal mill run, shut down near the side wall of the coal mill is beneficial to reduce NOx emission concentration, to achieve the emission reduction, at the same time under the wing wall and side wall area chamber of a stove or furnace slagging significantly reduce.


Subcritical W-Flame Boiler; Combustion Optimization; Combined Operation Mode of Coal Mill; NOx Emission Characteristics; Numerical Simulation

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