Review of the calculation of the boiling heat transfer coefficient in mini-channels and micro-channels

César‐Arnaldo Cisneros‐Ramírez

Article ID: 1505
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021


The need to dissipate high heat flux densities has led researchers and designers to employ phase change as a mechanism to achieve this goal and thereby achieve more compact heat exchanger equipment. In the present work, a study of the literature on boiling in mini-channels and microchannels was carried out. For this purpose, bibliographies dating from the 1990s to the present were consulted, which revealed the main parameters or topics that characterize this process in mini-channels and microchannels. Thus, the terms mini-channels and microchannels, forced flow boiling and flow regimes (map) are addressed. In addition, a summary of the equations for the determination of the heat transfer coefficient in two-phase regime (hdf) is presented.


Boiling; Microchannels; Mini-channels; Heat Transfer Coefficient

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