Scanning electron microscopic and morphological studies on in-vitro derived callus of low-chill peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch)

T. S. Bisht, Laxmi Rawat, P. N. Singh, B. Chakraborty, A. Visen

Article ID: 5530
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


In this investigation the effect of collection seasons of explants (winter, spring and summer), type of explants (leaf disc and intermodal segments) and length of explants (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 cm) for callusing in low-chill peach were standardized. The maximum callus induction (97.78%) in the low-chill peach was obtained from the intermodal segments of 0.5 cm in length used as an explant collected during spring season. The structural changes on the surface of the callus (5–7 weeks old yellowish green compact callus) during the progress of somatic embryogenesis of low-chill peach from the both intermodal segment as well as leaf disc derived callus were also examined with the use of scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM studies indicated that callus derived from internodal segment explant had the highest frequency of somatic embryos than callus from leaf discs. The SEM investigation, also demonstrated the sequential events/steps leading to low-chill peach somatic embryogenesis which was originating from somatic embryo mother cells through one unicellular pathway. Two types of calli were morphologically distinguished in both leaf disc and intermodal segment generated callus and these were the compact, well organized yellowish green embryogenic callus, containing large number of small, rich cytoplasmic, starch containing meristematic cells and soft and unorganized non-embryogenic callus containing sparsely cytoplasmic, vacuolated, and large cells devoid of metabolic reserves. The present SEM studies clearly demonstrated that somatic cells from peach explants generated callus could develop into fully differentiated somatic embryos through the characteristic embryological patterns of differentiation.


callus; scanning electron microscopy; MS basal medium; embryogenic; non-embryogenic

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