Processing of strawberry “Festival” to jam and determination of physical and physicochemical parameters
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023
This work evaluates the physical and physical-chemical parameters of the strawberry variety “Festival”, obtained in the soil and climate conditions of Humpata, Huila Province, Angola, following the transformation into sweet of adequate quality. The analyses made were: the mass determined on an analytical balance and the transversal and longitudinal diameters with a pachymeter. Other analyses were: total titratable acidity by volumetry, pH by potentiometry, total soluble solids by refractometry, moisture and ash by gravimetry. The study showed that the pH of the pulp was 3.41; and in the candy it was 3.31. The titratable acidity in the strawberry pulp had a value of 0.186 g/100 mL and in the jam 0.096 g/100 mL; the ascorbic acid content in the pulp was 18.60 mg∕100 g. The average soluble solids content in the pulp was 9.51 °Brix and for the jam 68.83 °Brix. These chemical characteristics of the pulp and jam provide information about their nutritional values.
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