Onion downy mildew severity in no-tillage irrigation under nutrient budgeting and population densities
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022
We analyzed the relationship between nutrient (N and K) parceling and population density on the severity of onion downy mildew under no-tillage fertigation cultivation in the conditions of Alto Vale do Itajaí (Barzil). For this purpose, field trials were conducted in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, in Ituporanga (Barzil). The treatments corresponded to four population densities (300, 400, 500 and 600 mil plants ha-1) subjected to applications of nitrogen (150 kg N ha-1) and potassium (127.5 kg K2O ha-1) distributed throughout the vegetative cycle of the crop via fertigation on a weekly, biweekly and monthly basis, based on the absorption curve of these nutrients for the cultivar Empasc 352-Bola Precoce. In fertigated no-tillage systems, nutrient (N and K) tranches do not influence the severity of downy mildew. The severity of downy mildew increases linearly with increasing population density, especially from 500 mil plants per ha-1.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/th.v5i2.1830
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