Use of fuzzy logic to optimize fertilizer application on radish
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022
The objective of this study was to develop a model based on fuzzy rules to evaluate the effects caused by varying the dosages of two soil fertilizers (mineral and organic) on root diameter. Fuzzy logic is a method that presents a language, more appropriate to day-to-day life, as the sky is a bit cloudy. For the input variables of this system the mineral and an organic fertilizer were used, for the output the root diameter, in cm. After optimization of the input rules, it can be seen that for the application of the fertilizers (mineral and organic) the best dosages were from 15 to 60 and 20 to 60 g·m-2, respectively. With this application of fuzzy rules in real data, it is possible to take these benefits to those involved in the production chain of radish, resulting in a reduction in the dosages of products and improving its final profitability.
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