Phytosociological study of weeds associated with carrot crops in two municipalities of Boyacá

Luís David Córdoba-Patiño, Elberth Hernando Pinzon-Sandoval

Article ID: 1818
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


With the purpose of knowing the phytosocilogy of weeds associated to a carrot crop (Daucus carota L.) under conditions of the municipalities of Ventaquemada and Jenesano-Boyacá, one lot per municipality destined to carrot cultivation was selected and a W-shaped layout was made covering an area of 500 m2. Relative density, relative frequency, relative dominance and the importance value index (IVI) were calculated, as well as the Alpha and Beta diversity indices for the sampled areas. A total of 6 families and 11 species were counted, of which 63.64% were represented by annual plants and 36.36% by perennial plants. The class Liliopsida (Monocotyledon) was represented by the Poaceae family. The Magnoliopsida class (Dicotyledon) was represented by the following families: Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Boraginaceae, Leguminosaceae, Polygonaceae, the last one being the one with the highest number of species. The species R. crispus and P. nepalense were the ones with the highest values of Importance Value Index (IVI) with 0.953 and 0.959, respectively. According to the Shannon-Wiener diversity and Simpson’s dominance indices, the evaluated areas presented a low species diversity and a high probability of dominant species. The results obtained can serve as a basis and tool for carrot growers in the evaluated areas to define management plans for the associated weeds and thus optimize yields in this crop.


Competition; Diversity; Dominance; Daucus carota; Polygonum nepalense; Rumex crispu

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