Increase in okra production with the addition of nitrogen
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022
Introduction: Growth, yield and quality of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) are related to fertilizer application, being nitrogen (N) the most outstanding, due to its direct relationship with photosynthesis and vegetative growth of the plant. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the agronomic and productivity characteristics of okra as a function of N dose. Materials and methods: The study was conducted at the experimental area of Campus Gurupi, the Universidad Federal de Tocantins (UFT), Brazil, in two planting periods (autumn/winter and spring/summer). The experimental design used was randomized block design (RBD) with six treatments (50, 100, 150, 150, 200 and 250 kg N ha-1) and four replications. Urea was used as a source of N. The characteristics evaluated were: productivity, average fruit mass, height and plant chlorophyll index. Results: Productivity and plant height were superior in the fall/winter crop. Mean fruit mass and chlorophyll index were not influenced by planting time. For productivity, a linear response was obtained with increasing dose up to the limit of the N dose used (250 kg ha-1), with a mean value higher than 14 t of fruit. Mean mass and plant height responded linearly to increasing N dose. Nitrogen affected the chlorophyll index, with maximum values of 45.96 and 47.19, observed in the two evaluation periods. Conclusion: Planting time and N content in the soil interacted with plant height, being favorable in the period without precipitation. N influenced all the characteristics, demonstrating the importance of nitrogen fertilization in the development of okra plants.
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