In vitro establishment: Monstera acuminata Koch and Monstera deliciosa Liebm
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021
The study evaluated the aseptic establishment of Monstera acuminata Koch and Monstera deliciosa Liebm (Araceae) from leaves and the induction of in vitro organogenesis of M. acuminata K. from stem discs of young shoots. For this purpose, different disinfection protocols were applied to mature leaves and young shoots, from which leaf explants of approximately 1 cm2 and stem discs of approximately 1 mm thickness were extracted. The explants were established in semi-solid media with different hormone treatments during the aseptic establishment stage and induction of organogenesis. Disinfection with 3% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) for 20 min and 50% Murashige and Skoog[1] medium with plant tissue culture preservative (PPM) favored less oxidation in leaf explants of both species. All explants of M. deliciosa in both treatments grown in PPM-added medium and at different disinfection protocols survived, showed no contamination and more than 80% retained cellular activity up to 49 days of culture age. At 35 days of culture, with disinfection in Tween-20 + 20% ethanol + 2.5% NaClO, and seeding of explants in MS medium added with 1 mg/L of BAP, 0.5 mg/L of AIA and 0.1 mg/L of ANA, seven new shoots of stem discs were induced. Monstera deliciosa was more adaptable to in vitro conditions. Advances in aseptic establishment and induction of organogenesis in native Araceae for wicker production are the basis for ex situ conservation of local populations.
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