Growth analysis in lettuce cultivars under the conditions of southern Piauí

Alan Mario Zuffo, Joacir Mario Zuffo Júnior, Luana Maria Alves da Silva, Roberto Lustosa da Silva, Karen Oliveira de Menezes

Article ID: 1776
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2019

VIEWS - 10671 (Abstract)


The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth of four lettuce cultivars in Southern Piauí to recommend the best ones for the region. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with randomized blocks, with evaluation in subdivided time plots, evaluated in six seasons (20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 days after sowing—DAS) and with treatments corresponding to four cultivars (Americana Rafaela®, Grand Rapids TBR®, Crespa Repolhuda® and Repolhuda Todo ano®) with five repetitions. Leaf area, number of leaves, collar diameter, aboveground fresh mass, aboveground dry mass, root dry mass and total and the physiological indices of growth analysis were evaluated. The lettuce cultivars interfered significantly in the studied parameters, being that Americana Rafaela® and Repolhuda todo ano®, in the conditions that they were submitted, presented better performances and bigger morphophysiological indexes, cultivated in pot. The cultivars Americana Rafaela® and Repolhuda todo ano® can be produced under the conditions of the south of Piauí.


Vegetables; Physiological Indices; Lactuca Sativa L.

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