The future of wine packaging—A perspective
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2024
This paper aims to investigate and compare different wine packaging options, with a focus on improving the environmental sustainability of the wine industry. The traditional glass wine bottle, while iconic, contributes significantly to the carbon footprint of wine production, accounting for approximately 30% of the environmental impact. Winemakers are actively exploring alternative packaging solutions, such as bag-in-box, Tetra Pak, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and cans, to reduce the industry’s overall environmental footprint. The research not only examines the impact of different packaging options on wine quality, but also addresses broader sustainability considerations, including waste management, recycling challenges, degradation concerns and ecotoxicological issues. The exploration of consumer expectations and trends adds a crucial dimension, recognising that sustainable packaging is not only in line with environmental objectives, but also with evolving consumer preferences and industry trends. This comprehensive research aims to inform the wine industry of the implications and potential benefits of adopting greener packaging practices.
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