Ecology and nature conservation in Russia
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022
The article is devoted to nature conservation in the context of the eco-tourism development. The leading problems in the work of modern specially protected natural areas theorists and practitioners are the following: 1) the organization of tourist destinations and management systems for ecological tourism: it is necessary not only to meet the needs of environmental, as well as related pilgrimage and educational tourism, but also the needs of the destination itself, restoration of unique biological objects, flora, fauna, territories and water areas; 2) the issues of increasing the ecological culture of the population and meeting the needs of the population in a way that does not hinder and helps the development of reserves and other previously closed or inaccessible areas or water areas. Special attention was pay to the phenomenon of diversification and its role in the development of environmental and other types of tourism. The article considers the integrative model of geo-branding in ecotourism.
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