An approach to the model for conservation of Central Mexico native grapevines
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018
Several and diverse native populations of wild grapevines have been reported growing in the States of Puebla, Mexico and Morelos, Central Mexico. After collection, successfully rooted vines were planted in Zumpahuacán, State of Mexico, and since 2013, their fruit were analyzed, mainly in relation to berry-weight and sweetness. Recently, the seed oil content was analyzed. Most berries harvested in 2013, 2014 and 2015 weighted less than 1 g and only berries of accession Puebla-41 (P-41) weighted nearly 2.5 g. On the other hand, most berries had lower than 18°B. Four accessions, three native of Puebla and one from Morelos had the higher fruit production (2.5, 1.5 and 1.4; and 0.68 kg per plant) and might be the genetic material proposed to be planted in Zumpahuacán, Mexico. Seed oil analysis confirmed the presence of linoleic acid as the main fatty acid in Central Mexico wild grape seed oil. Nowadays, the extraction of seed oil in Central Mexico native grapes seems to be the better alternative to interest locals and agro-industrial related companies in conserving and cropping this plant genetic resource.
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