Energy recovery potential of urban solid waste of Solan district, H.P, India

Jyotsana Pandit, Anish Kumar Sharma, SK Bhardwaj

Article ID: 1945
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023


Energy recovery from waste can provide a safe technologically advanced means of waste disposal that reduces greenhouse gases and generates clean energy. The study describes the characteristics of urban solid waste (USW) produced in five urban areas of the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh as well as its potential for energy recovery and power generation. Physical characterization of the USW generated at the study locations showed high percentages of organic/food waste. The results revealed that the organic fractions were 52.12%, 50.68%, 50.51%, 50.34%, and 49.41% for Arki, Nalagarh, Baddi, Parwanoo and Solan respectively. The energy content of solid waste produced in various urban locations ranged from 11,532.432 to 14,850.416 kJ·kg–1, and the waste is appropriate for energy generation when the heating value of the garbage is at least 6,000 to 7,000 kJ·kg–1. The values of energy recovery potential through biochemical conversion were 959.988 kWh, 933.395 kWh, 930.269 kWh, 927.111 kWh, and 910.036 kWh per annum for Arki, Nalagarh, Baddi, Parwanoo and Solan. The power generation potential of different urban areas ranged from 37.918 to 39.999 kW. It is anticipated that these findings would be informative and enhance collaboration among the various parties involved in the intermunicipal arrangements. Future studies about innovative consortia approaches that take energy recovery into account in their projects should be stimulated by the characterization and calculation of energy recovery and power generating potential.


Energy Recovery Potential; Methane Emission Potential; Power Generation Potential; Urban Solid Waste

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