Outstanding Author Awards | Celebrating Excellence in Research – Natural Resources Conservation and Research

The editorial team of Natural Resources Conservation and Research is delighted to announce the recipients of this year’s Outstanding Author Awards. These awards recognize the exceptional contributions of researchers whose work has significantly advanced the field of natural resources conservation and sustainable development.


Award Recipients:

In 2024, we are honored to present the Distinguished Author Award to the following researchers in recognition of their exceptional contributions to academic excellence and outstanding research achievements in their respective fields:

NameInstituteArticle TitleDoi
Joni Thomas BackstromUniversity of North Carolina Wilmington, USAMapping essential fish ‘hardbottom’ habitat using sonar techniques: A local reef off Masonboro Island, North Carolina, USA10.24294/nrcr10488
Nilima R. ChaubeIndian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), IndiaAssessment of mangrove cover and biomass with remote sensing technologies to conserve Gulf of Khambhat, Gujarat, India10.24294/nrcr9831
Talita Nogueira Terra1University of Campinas, BrazilModeling soil organic carbon based on field soil-texture measurements10.24294/nrcr.v7i1.4913


Recognizing outstanding contributions is at the heart of our mission at Natural Resources Conservation and Research. Their research not only enriches our journal but also inspires meaningful action towards the conservation and sustainable use of our planet’s precious resources.


We eagerly anticipate the continued recognition of excellence in authorship and contribution in the years to come.


About this journal:

 Natural Resources Conservation and Research is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that delivers high-quality original articles significant in all disciplines of resources conservation and sustainable management. Contributions may have relevance at regional, national or international scales and may focus at any level of research from individual resources or technologies to whole sectors or systems of interest. 

Topics include but are not limited to:

  1. Research and proposal on natural ecosystem.
  2. Research on ecology and biomass energy, including pesticide degradation, biodiversity, and the impact of human activities on ecological energy.
  3. Transformation of the natural resource system towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns, including instruments, methods, and process of change.
  4. Technical, societal, economic, business and policy aspects of strategies to improve the sustainability.
  5. Research on substitution of renewable or regenerative alternatives.
  6. Climate strategy of natural resources protection.
  7. Strategies or methods to serve the regenerative ecosystem.
  8. Technological interventions for sustainable conservation of natural resources, including but not limited to biotechnology, physical technology, genetic technology, garden technology.


Contact us:

Ms. Mandy Liews
Managing Editor
Editorial Office of Natural Resources Conservation and Research
9650 Telstar Avenue,Unit A,Suite 121,El Monte,CA 91731 Phone: 2312398888
Email: editorial-nrcr@enpress-publisher.com

Journal link: https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/NRCR 

Author guidelines: https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/NRCR/about/submissions#authorGuidelines