2D brain MRI image synthesis based on lightweight denoising diffusion probabilistic model
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023
In recent years, brain health has received increasing attention, but conventional acquisition of brain MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) images still suffer from issues such as missing data, artifacts, and high costs, which hinders research and diagnosis. With the application of deep learning in medical image synthesis, low-cost, efficient, and high-quality medical MRI synthesis techniques have become a prominent research focus and have gradually matured. However, traditional methods for synthesizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) mostly rely on generative adversarial networks, which require fine-tuning of parameters and learning rates to achieve stringent Nash equilibrium conditions, leading to problems such as gradient explosions and mode collapse. Building upon the latest research in synthetic models DDPM (denoising diffusion probabilistic model), we propose a novel approach for 2D brain MRI image synthesis based on a lightweight denoising diffusion probabilistic model. This method improves the attention module in the denoising diffusion probabilistic model to make it more lightweight. Additionally, we adopt the smooth L1 loss function as a replacement for the traditional mean absolute error (L1 loss) by comparing the error between the 2D brain MRI images with added noise and the real noise for training the model. Finally, we validate the proposed model on the MRI Brain Tumor Classification dataset, demonstrating that it achieves high-quality synthesis results while significantly reducing the parameter count of the DDPM model.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/mipt.v6i1.2518
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