Fabrication of polymer-based bone scaffolds—Conventional vs. advanced methods
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024
This review comprehensively summarizes various preparatory methods of polymeric bone scaffolds using conventional and modern advanced methods. Compilations of the various fabrication techniques, specific composition, and the corresponding properties obtained under clearly identified conditions are presented in the commercial formulations of bone scaffolds in current orthopedic use. The gaps and unresolved questions in the existing database, efforts that should be made to address these issues, and research directions are also covered. Polymers are unique synthetic materials primarily used for bone and scaffold applications. Bone scaffolds based on acrylic polymers have been widely used in orthopedic surgery for years. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is especially known for its widespread applications in bone repair and dental fields. In addition, the PMMA polymers are suitable for carrying antibiotics and for their sustainable release at the site of infection.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jpse.v7i2.6518
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