An analysis of temperature control for electromagnetic induction heating of CFRP based on sparrow search algorithm

Ning Yang, Tianyu Fu

Article ID: 4576
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024


Accurate temperature control during the induction heating process of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is crucial for the curing effect of the material. This paper first builds a finite element model of induction heating, which combines the actual fiber structure and resin matrix, and systematically analyzes the heating mechanism and temperature field distribution of CFRP during the heating process. Based on the temperature distribution and variation observed in the material heating process, a PID control method optimized by the sparrow search algorithm is proposed, which effectively reduces the temperature overshoot and improves the response speed. The experiment verifies the effectiveness of the algorithm in controlling the temperature of the CFRP plate during the induction heating process. This study provides an effective control strategy and research method to improve the accuracy of temperature control in the induction heating process of CFRP, which helps to improve the results in this field.


carbon fiber; temperature control; temperature field distribution

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