A graphical abstract is required from 2025

As of 2025, the journal will request that authors submit manuscripts accompanied by a graphical abstract. A graphical abstract serves as a visual synopsis of the manuscript, succinctly conveying its objectives and distinctive contributions. This facilitates readers' rapid and effective comprehension of the paper's core message, encouraging them to explore the text further, including the abstract, conclusion, introduction, and figures. It also assists reviewers in forming an initial assessment and understanding of the manuscript.


Graphical Abstract Requirements:

  1. Images or combinations of images from the manuscript are not accepted.
  2. Please provide an image with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and dimensions of at least 1000 x 600 pixels (width x height). Acceptable file formats include .gif, .jpg, or .png. Note: The image will be proportionally downscaled.
  3. A large number of textual descriptions are not accepted in the image.
  4. As for fonts, please use Times, Arial, or Symbol.
  5. All text and labels must be embedded within the image file. Avoid excessive white space and do not include the title “Graphic Summary” or “Graphic Abstract” in the image.


Please ensure that all authors are informed of this requirement. Manuscripts lacking a graphical abstract may experience delays in entering the peer-review process.