Isolation Detection and Characterization of Syringolin A produced from the Probiotic Strain Bacillus Cereus Isolated from Donkey Milk
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020
Syringolin A is a non-ribosomal virulence factor secreted by few Pseudomonas strains. Syringolin A is an well known irreversible proteasome inhibitor and antitumor compound. The present study is focused on the extraction of Syringolin A through a non-tedious and economical process. Syringolin A is extracted from culture supernatants by the immiscible organic layer by mixing of dichloromethane or chloroform (trichloromethane). Syringolin A was identified by the characteristic peak at 350 nm by UV spectra. The compound was further characterized by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) with the retention value, Rf was found to be in the range of 0.78-0.83 run using a combination of solvent systems water and methanol. The molecular weight of the compound was found to be 492.2614 g mol-1 identified and analyzed by UHPLC–QTOF-MS analysis. Due to its significant pharmacological importance in proliferative diseases, further studies on production and optimization of these compounds are necessary.
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