Thermal imaging for cancer detection

Ashwani Kumar Aggarwal

Article ID: 2638
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023


Problem: There is a need for effective and non-invasive techniques for early cancer detection to improve treatment outcomes and patient care. Motivation: This research explores the potential of thermal imaging as a non-invasive technique for cancer detection. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate thermal imaging as a valuable tool for early cancer detection and its potential to enhance treatment outcomes and patient care. Methodology: The paper discusses the principles of thermal imaging, its advantages and limitations, and its application to various types of cancer. It also presents a review of recent studies in the field. Main results: The findings suggest that thermal imaging holds promise as a valuable tool for early cancer detection. Further impact of those results: The potential application of thermal imaging in cancer detection could lead to improved treatment outcomes and enhance overall patient care. The article also highlights the challenges and future prospects of thermal imaging in this domain.


cancer detection; early detection; infrared thermography; non-invasive screening; thermal imaging; thermographic imaging

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