Use of ultrasound in difficult to cannulate arteriovenous fistulas in hemodialysis

Ignacio Villanueva Bendek, Mauricio Ruiz, Lia Vega

Article ID: 1746
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


Vascular access in hemodialysis is one of the pillars of success of the program. Therefore, efforts should be directed firstly to achieve the greatest number of vascular accesses of the arteriovenous fistula type, and secondly to reduce complications related to access cannulation in order to functionally preserve the access. Several strategies have been described to improve this last aspect; this article describes the use of ultrasound to improve the probability of successful cannulation in cases considered difficult by the nursing team.


Arteriovenous Fistula; Cannulation; Hemodialysis; Ultrasound; Renal Failure

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