Pulmonary dynamics of anatomical structures of interest in 4DCT imaging

Sarahí Hernández-Juárez, Aldo Rodrigo Mejía-Rodríguez, Edgar R. Arce-Santana

Article ID: 1723
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020


The present work shows an application of the Chan-Vese algorithm for the semi-automatic segmentation of anatomical structures of interest (lungs and lung tumor) in 4DCT images of the thorax, as well as their three-dimensional reconstruction. The segmentation and reconstruction were performed on 10 CT images, which make up an inspiration-expiration cycle. The maximum displacement was calculated for the case of the lung tumor using the reconstructions of the onset of inspiration, the onset of expiration, and the voxel information. The proposed method achieves appropriate segmentation of the studied structures regardless of their size and shape. The three-dimensional reconstruction allows us to visualize the dynamics of the structures of interest throughout the respiratory cycle. In the future, it is expected to have more evidence of the good performance of the proposed method and to have the feedback of the clinical expert, since the knowledge of the characteristics of anatomical structures, such as their dimension and spatial position, helps in the planning of Radiotherapy (RT) treatments, optimizing the radiation dose to cancer cells and minimizing it in healthy organs. Therefore, the information found in this work may be of interest for the planning of RT treatments.


Segmentation; Chan-Vese; Lung Dynamics; 4DCT Chest Images

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/irr.v3i1.1723


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