Initial approach to mediastinal alterations: Review of their radiographic anatomical references

Emmanuel Salinas Miranda, Luisa Karen Cifuentes, Juan Gonzalo Vélez, Bibiana Andrea Pinzón

Article ID: 1716
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2019

VIEWS - 772 (Abstract) 696 (PDF)


The suspicion of mediastinal alterations, always includes in its initial study, the chest radiography. The identification of mediastinal alterations in the X-ray is a priority. The knowledge of the mediastinal references and the identification of their alterations allows the suspicion of a pathology specific to each of the mediastinal spaces. When the semiology of mediastinal lesions, their location and the three most frequent pathologies are taken into account, the possibility of having an etiological diagnosis increases[1]. This is a review article based on a detailed literature search, in which radiological mediastinal references are studied, with emphasis on the epidemiological data of each one of them.


Epidemiology; Surgery; Radiography; Tumors; Evidence-based Medicine

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