Vol 1, No 1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/gfr.v1i1

Table of Contents

Open Access
Article ID: 245
by Gonghui Huang, Xiaole Xu, Haifeng Song, Hui Lim
2018 , 1(1);    969 Views
Abstract Changbao International Freight Forwarding (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is set up by a Indian businessmen and approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for it establishment of the main import and export cargo transport agent of the freight forwarders, the company in March 2012 stationed in China's freight forwarding market. In recent years, due to the development of China's bonded policy very fast, the state vigorously support the development of bonded industry, committed to the establishment of China's first comprehensive international shipping center which provide a very good opportunity to the majority of logistics enterprises for development undoubtedly. Under such circumstances, it is necessary and valuable for the company to develop the next business development plan and strategy. Changbao International Freight Forwarding (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is currently facing the main problem is what kind of business development strategy, can help the company in Shanghai freight forwarders on the market a firm footing in order to faster and more effective to seize the market to promote the company's development of. According to the advantages of the company's foreign head office background, get away the diversification of services and differentiation of the road. According to the problems existing in the development of the company, it has formulated the marketing strategy, perfected the internal organizational structure strategy, and promoted the service quality strategy and the human resource strategy. Through the Changbao International Freight Forwarding (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. international freight forwarders stationed in Shanghai international freight forwarding business development and research, in the research process of the proposed strategies and recommendations for other types of freight forwarders in the future development of certain Learn from.
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Open Access
Article ID: 257
by Wenjing Ding, Huabing Duan, Shijia Ye
2018 , 1(1);    501 Views
Abstract In the 1990s, a series of factors changed the role of logistics in most enterprises. Quality assessment and business reengineering enable enterprises to examine logistics from the entire process rather than from a single part, resulting in supply chain management that integrates control over commodities, information and capital. Supply chain management attempts to develop a unified process of commodity production and customer service, logistics is no longer just to minimize the cost of the opportunity, but the core components of corporate earnings. E-commerce logistics, also known as online logistics, is based on Internet technology, designed to promote the development of the logistics industry to promote the new business model; through the Internet, logistics companies can be a broader range of owners to take the initiative to find customers in the country and the world expand the business; trading companies and factories can more quickly find the most cost-effective logistics company; online logistics is committed to the world's largest number of logistics needs of the shippers and logistics services to provide logistics companies are attracted together to provide neutral, Integrity, free online logistics market, to help the logistics supply and demand sides to achieve a high transaction.
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Open Access
Article ID: 260
by Wenqin Fan, Weixian Dong, Jie Luo
2018 , 1(1);    1892 Views
Abstract With the rapid development of social economy, the increasingly complicated business practice, the increasingly diversified enterprise information users, China's corporate financial risk measurement and management is still lagging behind. Many companies only learn the failure and lessons after crisis. With the impact of the financial turmoil, some well-known enterprises face bankruptcy, and some companies have seized this opportunity to accelerate their transformation and thus took a different path, under this economic context, corporate financial management will be the core issue of business management. The neglect of financial risk and investment decision error is an important reason for the collapse of most companies. Therefore, the research on the understanding, prevention and control of financial risk has become an important subject for enterprises today. Therefore, in the real economic development, enterprises should establish financial risk awareness to effectively prevent financial risks, and actively promote the healthy development of enterprise financial system and economic efficiency. Financial risk is a major problem facing our current enterprises, which is related to the survival and development of enterprises and key to gain profits. Based on the analysis of the actual situation of the current enterprise, this paper starts from the reasons of the formation of financial risk, puts forward the countermeasures to prevent the financial risk, and discusses how to improve the financial risk for the business managers. Through research and building a scientific method of financial risk control, sets precautions to avoid risk, reduce unnecessary losses, so as to bring more benefits for the enterprise.
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Open Access
Article ID: 267
by Yaxing Zhang, Xiaolin Sun, Longzhong yi, Xue Yuan
2018 , 1(1);    1094 Views
Abstract With the continuous development of China's economy, foreign trade in the national economy has been increasing. In foreign trade, export trade accounted for a large proportion, but due to technical level, export product structure, trade surplus and other reasons, in recent years China’s export products frequently encountered technical barriers to trade (TBT) in developed countries. In the development of contemporary international economic and trade, TBT are playing an increasingly important role, its influence and role has been far beyond the general trade measures. In the world, especially the developed countries, on their own technical advantages, apply more and more targeted, flexible, extensive, covert and mandatory TBT as an important means of protecting their industries. TBT has become the main means and advanced forms of national trade protectionism. China's accession to the WTO faced dual challenges in breakthroughs in foreign technical barriers and the protection of the domestic market. Due to the concentration of China's export market, the weakness of export products and the fact that China has not yet established its own TBT system, early warning mechanism and other reasons, TBT impact on China is significant. According to statistics, nearly five years, 71% of China's export enterprises, 39% of the export products are foreign TBT restricted, and thus cost and risk losses of Chinese enterprises are increasing year by year. In 2005 and 2006, about 25.1% and 31.4% of China's export enterprises were affected by foreign TBT, with total losses of US $ 28.8 billion and US $ 35.92 billion respectively. Agricultural products, electrical and mechanical, energy, mining, textile and other products are the main target products that developed countries implement TBT towards China. Therefore, our government and enterprises must take corresponding measures to resolve these unfavorable factors to ensure China's position and interests in international trade.
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Open Access
Article ID: 272
by Xi Lui, Xin Yu, Dongling Jiang, Shuzhu Feng, Ying Wang
2018 , 1(1);    465 Views
Abstract In recent years, the export of furniture in Hebei Province has been increasing rapidly. The trade of exporting furniture has also been increasing in the country. The rapid growth has revealed some of the troubles and affected the stable and healthy development of furniture industry. In order to further promote a sustainable and healthy development in furniture industry, several corresponding countermeasures had suggested for analyzing the existing problems. This paper studies through the status quo of Hebei Province’s furniture export trade and the existing problems of export trade, to finds out the positive and effective strategies that could support the furniture export trade at Hebei Province develop with both quality and quantity.
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Open Access
Article ID: 692
by Dipesh Karki1, Binam Ghimire2
2018 , 1(1);    411 Views
Abstract This paper applies event study analysis to explore the impact of change in leadership on the market return of Fortune 500 firms. The study analyzes various market reaction following the announcement of CEO's departure along with the  circumstances leading to it . The results show that on the occurrence of the event,  market reacts positively in line with “ability hypothesis”. Especially inside succession comparatively found to provide better market reaction than outside succession. However the type of departure showed no statistically significant abnormal returns Further abnormal return prior to the event was witnessed suggesting information leak. Overall the study is consistent with Efficient Market Hypothesis.
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