Ensuring the stability of banks in the context of national security: Tasks for Ukraine

Mykola Mykolaichuk, Olena Lesyk, Olha Todorova

Article ID: 2445
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023


The purpose of the study is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the mechanism of forming the stability of banks as a component of state regulation of the state of national security. The research methodology is based on comparing the approaches of different countries to the formation of the national security system, identifying standard features and individual characteristics depending on national interests and the conditions of their socio-economic development. The results of the analysis of the experience of different countries are the basis for recognising the importance of Ukraine in ensuring the stability of banks, which depends on the possibility of crediting businesses and citizens, making non-cash payments, and paying pensions, including temporarily occupied territories. Identifying the factors affecting the stability of banks in the conditions of crisis phenomena and choosing the methodology for assessing the strength of banks made it possible to select the most effective instruments for influencing the stability of banks and to outline the tasks for Ukraine. In addition, the monitoring of indicators of the strength of banks and achievements in the sustainable development of the state and regions contribute to the assessment of the effectiveness of public administration at the appropriate levels.


stability of the bank; assessment methodology; influence tools; national security; state regulation; management efficiency

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/fsj.v6i1.2445


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