Using financial modeling to trade-off between financial strategies

Majeed Mohsen Mohammad, Karar Muhsin Thajil

Article ID: 2203
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023


This research aims to examine the trade-off between strategies to cope with financial failure because Iraqi banks suffer from a high level of risk. Some of these banks work more with return on investment compared to risk-free return, while others are able to achieve a higher return for the same period. In this situation, there is a need for a trade-off between the elected strategies as expressed in the following research question: How can financial strategies be traded-off to cope with financial failure? The research hypothesis is: “The trade-off between financial strategies to cope with financial failure can be achieved by using financial modeling.” For the purpose of this research, the merger and acquisition strategies were used. Data was collected from the financial reports of 13 banks (covering the period of 2011–2020). Eight banks were selected and examined for their lowest and highest return on assets (ROAs). Four recorded low ROAs and the remaining four recorded high ROAs. Then, one bank was selected from each group, of which respective strategies were compared covering the period from 2016 to 2021. The financial modeling using the Excel program showed that the Eps of merger strategy is higher than the Eps of acquisition.


merger strategy; acquisition strategy; financial modeling

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