Conflict of Interest Declaration Requirements

Dear Authors and Readers,


We would like to draw your attention to an important policy change effective from Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023. Our journal is placing a heightened emphasis on transparency and ethical standards by requiring all authors to submit a conflict of interest statement for each article (refering to Conflict of Interest). This statement will be publicly published on the article's PDF to ensure that readers are fully informed.

Furthermore, in our ongoing commitment to maintaining the integrity of the scholarly record, we will also be disclosing the critical timeframe of the article's disposition. This measure provides transparency regarding the review and decision-making process. 

For comprehensive details on the new article layout, conflict of interest disclosure, and other submission requirements, please consult our Author Guidelines.


We appreciate your adherence to these updated policies and thank you for your contribution to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity.




Journal Editorial Office