Titanium Oxide Photocatalytic Materials and Their Applications in Ceramics

Zhigang Chen, Hao Liu, Jianwei Su

Article ID: 286
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018


Titanium oxide has the advantages of high activity, good stability, non-toxic and low cost cost effective. It is one of the most widely studied photocatalysts and the most promising material for photocatalytic ceramics. In this paper, the photocatalytic mechanism of TiO2, the influence factors of photocatalytic activity, the preparation of nano-TiO2, the phase change of nano-TiO2, the application of TiO2 photocatalytic materials and the research progress of photocatalytic ceramics were reviewed.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/cse.v1i1.286


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