The Ceramic Composite Coating (TiC+TiB2) by ESD on Ti6AL4V Alloy and Its Characterization

Mesut Gökçe, Yusuf Kayali, Şükrü Talaş

Article ID: 1136
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020


Titanium based alloys or materials used for mechanical and constructional purposes can exhibit high corrosion and abrasion resistance with coatings made on their surfaces. In this study, the surface of Ti6Al4V plate substrate was coated with TiC+TiB2 composite electrodes at different volts and frequencies by Electro-Spark Deposition (ESD) method. The ESD method is a micro arc welding method that allows deposits of alloys and ceramics compounds that have electrical conductivity on the surface of metallic materials, with the plasma that brings about a better melting of base metal and electrode for producing good adhesion between the coating and base metal. In this study, the Ti6Al4V samples were coated with TiC+TiB2 electrodes, and the precoating, post-coating hardnesses, wear rates and coating layer thicknesses of the samples were examined. TiC + TiB2 composite coating on the surface of Ti6Al4V alloys by ESD method was achieved and the hardness increase was observed with the help of numerous hard ceramic phases.


ESD Coating; TiC+TiB2; Ti6Al4V

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