Gross anatomy of the nose, nasal cavity and larynx in the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus, Linnaeus 1758)
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020
Available information on the anatomy of the respiratory system of the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus, Linnaeus 1758) is scarce, so the aim of this work was to describe the upper respiratory tract anatomy of this species. The study was performed with 10 adult animals of both sexes and the study method was simple dissection. Pampas deer had a nasolabial plane different to the small domestic ruminants. The nasal cavity had the fundamental conformation of the ruminants with simple winding of the dorsal concha and double winding of the ventral one. The vomeronasal organ communicated directly with the oral cavity by the incisive duct. The larynx was located ventrally to the first two cervical vertebrae. The total length of the larynx was 52.76 ± 7.66 mm from the epiglottis to the cricoid cartilage. The dorsoventral length was 30.32 ± 3.71 mm. It is necessary to make detailed histological examinations of the distribution of the olfactory epithelium versus non-sensory epithelium within the nasal cavity. These data are essential to understand the function of the turbinates and the nasal cavity in general. In the same way, detailed studies of the physiology of the vomeronasal organ and larynx are necessary.
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