The Potential Applications of Microalgae: A Significant Concise Review

Pankaj Kumar Sonar 1, Mudit Kumar 2, Vibhu Sahani 1

Article ID: 677
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018


Over the centuries, microalgae are untapped source of energy, in the recent years researchers have realized the potential of microalgae as an alternative source of renewable energy due to the alarming situation of fossil fuels. Several value-added products of industrial relevance can also be derived from microalgae during bioenergy production. Microalgae use as feed for animals, in aquaculture, cosmetics, natural dye, nutritional and therapeutic supplements such as β-carotene, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), polysaccharides, etc. Microalgae are also used in bioassay, biomonitoring and bioremediation solution. The present review focuses on industrial and commercial applications and potential areas for further research and development of microalgae for the benefit of society.



Microalgae; Biofuel; Biofertilizer; Aquaculture; PUFA; DHA

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