Convective flow boiling heat transfer in an annular space: N-heptane/water case in a bubbly sub-cooled flow
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2020
The subcooled flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of n-heptane and water is conducted for an upward flow inside the vertical annulus with an inner gap of 30 mm, in different heat fluxes up to 132kW.m-2, subcooling max.:30C, flow rate: 1.5 to 3.5lit.min-1 under the atmospheric pressure. The measured data indicate that the subcooled flow boiling heat transfer coefficient significantly increases with increasing liquid flow rate and heat flux and slightly decreases with decreasing the subcooling level. Although results demonstrate that subcooling is the most effective operation parameter on onset of nucleate boiling such that with decreasing the subcooling level, the inception heat flux significantly decreases. Besides, recorded results from the visualization of flow show that the mean diameter of the bubbles departing from the heating surface decreases slightly with increasing the flow rate and slightly decreases with decreasing the subcooling level. Meanwhile, comparisons of the present heat transfer data for n-heptane and water in the same annulus and with some existing correlations are investigated. Results of comparisons reveal an excellent agreement between experimental data and those of calculated by Chen Type model and Gungor–Winterton predicting correlation.
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