Mixed mode oscillations in an electrochemical reactor
Vol 3, Issue 2, 2020
This paper subject focuses on modelling of electrochemical processes during a deposition of nanostructured materials on a metallic substrate. Fundamentals of electrocrystallization processes and parameters influenced the final quality of the resulting products are considered. To quantify the evolution of the electrochemical reactor processes with respect to time, an equivalent electric circuit has been established. Two types of periodic supplying currents were taken into consideration: bipolar pulse current and sinusoidal rectified current. Results of performed computer simulations of electrocrystallization processes with the focus on mixed mode oscillations (MMOs) as the dynamical switches between small amplitude oscillations (SAOs) and large amplitude oscillations (LAOs) are presented. The established circuit model can lead to methods for fast treating large quantities of electrocrystallizator data and extracting from them kinetic parameters importantly influenced the structure of the produced materials.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ace.v3i2.657
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