Topological Entropies of All 2907 Convex 4- to 9-atomic Polyhedral Clusters

Yury L. Voytekhovsky

Article ID: 514
Vol 2, Issue 1, 2019


The topological entropy HS of all 2907 convex 4- to 9-atomic polyhedral clusters has been calculated from the point of different symmetrical positions of the atoms. It shows a general trend to drop with growing symmetry of clusters with many local exceptions. The topological entropy HV of the same clusters has been calculated from the point of different valences (chemical bonds) of the atoms. It classifies the variety of clusters in more details. The relationships between the HS and HV entropies are discussed.


Convex Polyhedral Clusters; Automorphism Group Orders; Symmetry Point Groups; Chemical Bonds; Topological Entropy

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