High rigid Gd (DO3VA) shows remarkable relaxivity: A novel class of MMI agent engineered for MR analysi

T. Lurthu Pushparaj, V. Alexander

Article ID: 447
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


A novel dinuclear gadolinium(III) complex of an amide linked bispolyazatricarboxylate macrocycle (DO3VA) having 2-bromoisovaleric acid pendant arm is reported. The molecular longitudinal relaxivity of the dinuclear complex [Gd2{acamidoet(DO3VA)2}(H2O)2] is 13.23mM–1s–1 which corresponds to a “per Gd” relaxivity of 6.62 mM–1 s–1 (20 MHz, 37 ± 0.1 °C, pH 7). The “per Gd” r1p value is higher than the relaxivity of the clinically approved CAs. The transverse relaxivity (r2p) of [Gd2{acamidoet(DO3VA)2}(H2O)2] is 14.34 mM–1 s–1. The r2p/r1p values of 1.08 indicate that the complex is T1-weighted CAs. The 2-bromoisovaleric acid seems to be an excellent pendant arm for holding Gd(III) metal ion at any pH. The remarkable stability of the complex at various pH and in presence of protein shows that the ligand can be used as functionality in making new CAs for MRI and the amide core is a versatile core molecule for the creation of polynuclear gadolinium(III) chelates and dendrimeric CAs.


MRA CAs; Dinuclear Gd(III) Complex; 2-Bomoisovaleric Acid; pH and HSA Responsive CAs

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ace.v5i1.447


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