Study on catalytic properties of graphene/molybdenum sulfide under near-infrared light irradiation

Huan Zhang, Shouqing Liu

Article ID: 1402
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


Graphene/MoS2 hybrid material was prepared by the hydrothermal method. The hybrid material was characterized by X-ray diffraction spectrum, Raman spectra, transmission electron microscope and UV-vis-NIRS. It was used as a near-infrared photocatalyst to catalyze and degrade Rhodamine B (RhB). The results showed that when the concentration of the RhB solution was 50.0 mg·L–1, the pH value of the solution was 7, the volume of the solution was 50.0 mL, the amount of G/MoS2 catalyst was 0.05 g and near-infrared radiation was carried out for 3 h, the degradation rate of RhB in the 50 mL solution reached 96.5%. When MoS2 was used as the photocatalyst, the degradation rate of RhB was only 75.5%. After 5 times of recycling, the catalytic efficiency of the hybrid photocatalyst was still more than 90%, indicating that the catalyst is very stable.


G/MoS2; Hybrid Catalyst; Near-Infrared Light; Photocatalysis

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