Asynchronous recurrent neural networks with block splitting for distributed partitioned optimization

Jingxin Liu, Jun Peng, Amin Mansoori, Chaoran Zhan, Ye Huang, Huanbin Wang

Article ID: 8499
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2024


This paper presents a class of novel recurrent neural network approaches for a distributed partitioned optimization scenario, where the objective function is separable, strongly convex, and possibly nonsmooth, with the computation of a part of the solution being distributed to a vertex for execution. In our proposed algorithmic framework, the block splitting method allows the solution to be partitioned among vertices according to the divisible structure of the problem, so that each neuron only holds a local memory of the decision variable rather than the memory of the entire decision variable. A local timer is installed for each neuron. If a neuron is triggered by its own timer and a neighbor timer, it will reach an activated state and then update and transmit its own variable information. This asynchronous evolution strategy with time helps to save computational resources. The proposed algorithm is distributed and scalable, with the computation of a single neuron not depending on the size of the vertex network, and the convergence of the algorithm can be guaranteed.


recurrent neural network; distributed partitioned optimization; block splitting; asynchronous evolution; local memory

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