Epidural steroid block in herniated disc: A systematic review

Túlio César Azevedo Alves, Ana Claudia Oliveira Costa, Alba Benemérita Alves Vilela

Article ID: 62
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2017


Back pain secondary to herniated disc is very common throughout the world, leading to frequent absence from work activities, economic and financial losses, in addition to causing major affective-motivational changes. Initial treatment is based on analgesic and anti-inflammatory therapy. However, in most cases, it evolves chronically and requires surgery or minimally invasive procedures like epidural steroid injections. This paper proposes, through a systematic literature review, to establish the effectiveness of epidural steroid for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. We selected 7 papers, of which 5 showed effectiveness of the technique above 56%. The papers showed an important reduction in pain intensity and indication of surgery, besides safety and tolerability.


Intervertebral disc displacement; anesthesia; epidural; adrenal cortex hormones

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.63018/nc.v1i1.62


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