Congenital agenesis of the lung: A case report and literature review

Rajesh Gupta, Anjali Gupta, Aradhana Singh

Article ID: 102
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018


Developmental malformations of the lung are common but complete agenesis of the lung is quite rare and usually the patients presented are in early childhood; though according to literature, a few cases have come to light even in the adult age group. A 10-month-old male child presented with a sudden onset of respiratory distress with opacity of the right hemithorax on X-ray, raising suspicion of foreign body bronchus. Subsequent CT scans and bronchoscopy revealed agenesis of the right lung. Patient was managed conservatively and his parents were counseled about the anomaly. The child is doing well and is in a regular follow-up with us. Agenesis of the lung should be suspected in children with recurrent respiratory distress with opacity of the hemithorax on X-ray and herniation of the opposite lung across the mediastinum.


agenesis; lung; congenital; collapse; foreign body

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