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Aghamajidi, Azin, Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences (Iran)
Aghamohammadi, Hossein, Islamic Azad University (Iran)
Aghofack, Kossel Klaus, Research Unit of Phytopathology and Agricultural Zoology, Department Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang (Cameroon)
Aghuzumtsyan, Ruben, Psychology and Political Science, Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia (Armenia)


Ágnes, Tóth Nikolett, Department of Law Enforcement Theory and Law Enforcement History, Faculty of Law Enforcement, University of Public Service; Department of Sport Law, Economics and Social Science Institute, University of Physical Education (Hungary)


Aguado Hernández, Juli, Universitat de València (Spain)
Agudelo, Wilmer Saldarriaga, Doctorado en ciencias químicas - Universidad del Valle. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
Agudelo-Londoño, Yésika Alexandra, Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia)
Aguilar-Luna, Jesús Mao Estanislao, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Mexico)
Aguirre, Adela, Servicio de Clínica Médica, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Aguirre-Nuñez, Carlos, Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad San Sebastián (Chile)
Agung, Syahrum, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor (Indonesia)
Agustina, Made Dian Putri, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, Hindu University of Indonesia (Indonesia)
Agyei Obeng, Elvis, CSIR-Crops Research Institute (Ghana)
Ahadi, Ali Mohammad, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran. (Iran)
Ahermouch, Omar, Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)
Ahialey, Emmanuel Kekle, Regional Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (RCEES); University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) (Ghana)
Ahlstrom, David, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, Hong Kong Metropolitan University; The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China)
Ahmad, Ahmad M., Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, College of Engineering, Qatar University (Qatar)
Ahmad, Bani, Department of Financial and Accounting science, Faculty of Business, Middle East University (Jordan)
Ahmad, Ehtisham, 1 LSE Grantham Research Institute, UK 2 Chinese Academy of Fiscal Science, China
Ahmad, Gofur, Faculty of Economy and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (Indonesia)
Ahmad, Ifzal, Department of Business Management, Karakoram International University; College of Business Administration, Umm Al Quwain University (Pakistan)
Ahmad, Ishaq, NPU-NCP Joint International Research Center on Advanced Nanomaterials and Defects Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University; UNESCO-UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences/Nanotechnology, iThemba LABS (South Africa)
Ahmad, Ishaq, NPU-NCP joint international research center on Advanced Nanomaterials and Defects engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University; UNESCO-UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences/Nanotechnology (South Africa)

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