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Homayooni, Seyedamirmasoud, Department of Digital Electronic System, Iran University Science and Technology (Iran)
Honda, Tetsuya
Hong, Lim Wei, Faculty of Engineering Technology and Build Environmernt, UCSI University (Malaysia)
Hong, Wenlong, Harbin Cambridge University (China)
Hong, Zeng, North China Electric Power University (China)
Hoo, Wong Chee, Faculty of Business and Communication, INTI International University (Malaysia)
Hooper, Emma
Hoque, Md. Kazimul, Department of Business, School of Business and Economics, United International University (Bangladesh)
Hoque, Mushfiqul, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida (United States)
Hormaza, Angelina, Escuela de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
Horváth, Zsuzsanna Ivancsóné, Tourism and Hosptality Department, Széchenyi István University (Hungary)
Hossain, Altab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (MIST), Bangladesh Military Academy (Bangladesh)
Hossain, Farhad, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (Bangladesh)
Hossain, Hanif, Department of Business Administration, Asian University of Bangladesh (Bangladesh)
Hossain, Md Shamim, Department of Marketing, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU) (Bangladesh)
Hossain, Md Billal, Business Management and Marketing Department, School of Business and Economics, Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) (Uzbekistan)
Hossain, Md Billal, Business Management and Marketing Department, School of Business and Economics, Westminster International University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
Hossain, Mohammad Amzad, Department of Business, School of Business and Economics, United International University (Bangladesh)
Hosseini, Seyedeh Zahra, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Art, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University (Iran)
Hosseini, Seyyed Amirhosein, Department of Industrial, Mechanical and Aerospace engineering, Buein Zahra Technical Universit (Iran)
Hossen, Amjad, Polymer and Textile Research Laboratory, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Rajshahi University (Bangladesh)
Hötker, Andreas, Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, Universitätsspital Zürich (Switzerland)
Hou, Jiayu, Graduate School of Master of Education, Shenyang Normal University (China)
Hou, Kebin, Qingdao City University (China)
Hou, Ling

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