Experimental investigation of thermal micro-environments and local thermal sensations in enclosed and semi-enclosed localized heating systems

Runnan Lu, Guoqing Yu, Shuang Feng, Hai Ye

Article ID: 9922
Vol 7, Issue 4, 2024


Traditional building heating warms entire rooms, often leaving some dissatisfied with uneven warmth. Recently, the personalized heating system has addressed this by providing targeted warmth, enhancing comfort and satisfaction. The personalized heating system in this study is a new enclosed personalized heating system consisting of a semi-enclosed heating box and an insulated chair covered with a thick blanket. The study compares the heating effects of semi-enclosed and enclosed localized heating systems on the body and examined changes in subjects’ thermal sensations. Due to the lower heat loss of the enclosed personalized heating system compared to the semi-enclosed version, it created thermal micro-environments with higher ambient temperatures. The maximum air temperature increase within the enclosed system was twice that of the semi-enclosed system, with the heating film surface temperature rising by up to 6.87 ℃. Additionally, the temperature of the skin could increase by as much as 6.19 ℃, allowing individuals to maintain thermal neutrality even when the room temperature dropped as low as 8 ℃. A two-factor repeated measures analysis of variance revealed differences in temperature sensitivity across various body regions, with the thighs showing a notably higher response under high-power heating conditions. The corrective energy and power requirements of the enclosed personalized heating system also made it more energy-efficient than other personalized heating systems, with a minimum value reaching 6.07 W/K.


localized heating system; personalized heating; thermal sensation; personal comfort system; heating box

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tse9922


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