Fuel properties, performance, and emissions of water-emulsified diesel fuel in an IDI diesel engine

Pedro Oliveira, Francisco Brójo

Article ID: 8821
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


This paper aims to verify the possibility of utilising water-in-diesel emulsions (WiDE) as an alternative drop-in fuel for diesel engines. An 8% WiDE was produced to be tested in a four-stroke, indirect injection (IDI) diesel engine and compared to EN590 diesel fuel. An eddy current brake and an exhaust gas analyser were utilised to measure different engine parameters such as torque, fuel consumption, and emissions at different engine loads. The results show that the engine running on emulsified fuel leads to a reduction in torque and power, an increase in the specific fuel consumption, and slightly better thermal efficiency. The highest percentual increment of thermal efficiency for WiDE is obtained at 100% engine load, 5.68% higher compared to diesel. The emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are reduced, but carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) emissions are increased, compared to traditional diesel fuel. The most substantial decrease in NO and CO2 levels was achieved at 75% engine load with 33.86% and 25.08% respectively, compared to diesel.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tse.v7i2.8821


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