Relating alkali release from a wood pellet with combustion progress: A modified random pore model supportive study

Rudolf P. W. J. Struis, Marco Wellinger, Christian Ludwig

Article ID: 8671
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2024

VIEWS - 22 (Abstract) 12 (PDF)


This paper concerns a miniature gasifier fed with a constant ambient-pressure flow of air to study the pyrolysis and subsequent combustion stage of a single wood pellet at T = 800 ℃. The alkali release and the concentration of simple gases were recorded simultaneously using an improved alkali surface ionisation detector and a mass spectrometer in time steps of 1 s and 1.2 s, respectively. It showed alkali release during both stages. During combustion, the MS data showed almost complete oxidation of the charred pellet to CO2. The derived alkali release, “O2 consumed”, and “CO2 produced” conversion rates all indicated very similar temporal growth and coalescence features with respect to the varying char pore surface area underlying the original random pore model of Bhatia and Perlmutter. But, also large, rapid signal accelerations near the end and marked peak-tails with O2 and CO2 after that, but not with the alkali release data. The latter features appear indicative of alkali–deprived char attributable to the preceding pyrolysis with flowing air. Except for the peak-tails, all other features were reproduced well with the modified model equations of Struis et al. and the parameter values resembled closely those reported for fir charcoal gasified with CO2 at T = 800 ℃.


wood pellet; pyrolysis; combustion; alkalis; surface ionisation detector; random pore model; alkali deprivation

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