Study of different theories of thermoelasticity under the propagation of Rayleigh waves in thermoelastic medium
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2024
The present research is on the propagation of Rayleigh waves in a homogenous thermoelastic solid half-space by considering the compact form of six different theories of thermoelasticity. The medium is subjected to an insulated boundary surface that is free from normal stress, tangential stress, and a temperature gradient normal to the surface. After developing a mathematical model, a dispersion equation is obtained with irrational terms. To apply the algebraic method, this equation must be converted into a rational polynomial equation. From this, only those roots are filtered out, which has satisfied both of the above equations for the propagation of waves decaying with depth. With the help of these roots, different characteristics are computed numerically, like phase velocity, attenuation coefficient, and path of particles. Various particular cases are compared graphically by using phase velocity and attenuation coefficient. The elliptic path of surface particles in Rayleigh wave propagation is also presented for the different theories using physical constants of copper material for different depths and thermal conductivity.
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