A 7th Law of Thermodynamics and its climate implications

Jim Baird

Article ID: 8207
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024

VIEWS - 45 (Abstract) 32 (PDF)


Conversion of the ocean’s vertical thermal energy gradient to electricity via OTEC has been demonstrated at small scales over the past century. It represents one of the planet’s most significant (and growing) potential energy sources. As described here, all living organisms need to derive energy from their environment, which heretofore has been given scant serious consideration. A 7th Law of Thermodynamics would complete the suite of thermodynamic laws, unifying them into a universal solution for climate change. 90% of the warming heat going into the oceans is a reasonably recoverable reserve accessible with existing technology and existing economic circumstances. The stratified heat of the ocean’s tropical surface invites work production in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics with minimal environmental disruption. TG is the OTEC improvement that allows for producing two and a half times more energy. It is an endothermic energy reserve that obtains energy from the environment, thereby negating the production of waste heat. This likewise reduces the cost of energy and everything that relies on its consumption. The oceans have a wealth of dissolved minerals and metals that can be sourced for a renewable energy transition and for energy carriers that can deliver ocean-derived power to the land. At scale, 31,000 one-gigawatt (1-GW) TG plants are estimated to displace about 0.9 W/m2 of average global surface heat into deep water, from where, at a depth of 1000 m, unconverted heat diffuses back to the surface and is available for recycling.


marine energy; global warming; heat to work; heat engine; waste heat; ocean thermal stratification; global energy supply

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tse.v7i2.8207


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