Evaluation of Sand Quality in Thermal Sand Reclamation System

Vasudev D. Shinde, Digvijay A. Mhamane

Article ID: 538
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2019

VIEWS - 1785 (Abstract) 299 (PDF)


In casting industries, issue of spent molding sand disposal is the origin of molding sand reclamation. Among from all reclamation concepts the thermal reclamation method is better for no-bake sand system. This study focuses on the evaluation of sand quality by considering physical and chemical characteristics of molding sand, which is reclaimed by thermal reclamation method. Electric fuel and fluidization mechanism is used in thermal reclamation system. Effect of reclamation temperature, soaking period and sand quantity on % reclamability, grain size, ADV and on LOI is investigated. The average grain size, low ADV, low LOI and acceptable % reclamability of thermally reclaimed sand are studied.


Thermal Reclamation; No-bake Sand Molding; ADV; LOI; Grain Size

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tse.v2i2.538


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